Jenkins vs AppVeyor

October 20, 2021


As a DevOps engineer, choosing the right Continuous integration and deployment platform is as important as choosing the right operating system. In recent years, Jenkins and AppVeyor have become increasingly popular in the DevOps community. On one hand, Jenkins is a well-known Continuous Integration server that is widely used for building and deploying software. On the other hand, AppVeyor is a newer Continuous Integration and deployment platform that is highly popular with .NET developers.

In this blog post, we will compare Jenkins and AppVeyor's features, advantages, and disadvantages, so you can gain a better understanding of which one might be a better fit for your development needs.


Jenkins is one of the oldest and most popular CI/CD tools. Its open-source platform makes it highly customizable and extensible using plugins. Here are some of Jenkins' key features:

  • User-friendly interface
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Huge community support
  • Over 1500+ Plugins to customize integration and deployment
  • Pipeline support


AppVeyor, on the other hand, is a newer platform that is focused on providing Continuous Integration and Deployment to .NET developers. Its key features include:

  • Intuitive and easy-to-use interface
  • Integrated with GitHub and Bitbucket repositories and Visual Studio team services
  • Supports Windows and Linux operating systems
  • A free plan for open-source projects
  • Deployment to cloud platforms like Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud


User Interface

Jenkins' interface is quite outdated compared to AppVeyor. AppVeyor has a modern and more user-friendly interface that makes getting started with continuous integration and deployment more intuitive.


Both platforms offer a free plan for open-source projects. For private projects, Jenkins offers more affordable pricing than AppVeyor.


Jenkins offers extensive third-party plugins that can be integrated with almost any DevOps tool. In contrast, AppVeyor is primarily focused on Continuous Integration and Deployment for .NET developers but also has integrations with other platforms like Slack and Hipchat.


When it comes to speed, AppVeyor has a slight edge over Jenkins. AppVeyor's fast build process can compile and test even complex .NET applications quickly.


When you decide which platform to use, keep in mind that the choice between Jenkins and AppVeyor depends on their respective advantages, disadvantages, pricing, and features, along with your project's requirements. If you are specifically targeting .NET developers and prefer a modern, easy-to-use interface, then AppVeyor is the way to go. If you need a more customizable and extensible platform and prefer a free or lower-cost solution, then Jenkins is the better choice.


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